Genius Hour
Genius Hour is a daily opportunity for our STREAM students to show what they can do. This is an elective hour where students mix together from various grade levels to build, make, produce, design and create projects of all kinds.
Last year we saw students create pod casts and web sites, build animations and movies to share, create real inventions, do arts and crafts, produce musical productions on topics such as geology, the gold rush and grammar, build electronic circuits, machines and robots, produce a newscast (Pencil Box News), work in the garden, learn guitar and more!
Genius Hour allows our STREAM students to explore possibilities and dream of applying their learning in many different ways. Students grades 5-8 come together for Genius hour electives on Monday through Thursday from 3:00-4:00. Students are always excited to explore their "Genius" even this late in the day!

At STREAM we offer a music program that very few schools do in California. Every Student gets music time 4 days a week! Kindergarten through 4th grade classes have a music instruction in the way of singing, moving, hand motions, and basic classroom instruments. Each class enjoys their own music time in the Multi-Purpose Room nearly every day!
Starting this year, every student from 5th to 8th grades will have band class with Mr. Manera. That is
nearly 120 band students! This is unheard of in California schools.We are proud to offer music education through the learning of a band instrument. We will read, play, and perform music for various audiences in our community.
Physical Education
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Winter Showcase

STREAM Charter
Winter Showcase

Performing Arts
This program highlights teamwork in the area of Musical Theater. The musicals we perform are fun yet educational productions highlighting some of the curricula we study at STREAM ranging from Science, Language Arts and History. Students enjoy singing, dancing and memorizing scripts based on facts from a variety of subjects all while practicing the art of cooperation and collaboration.
Lego Education
Legos are for more than those colorful linking blocks you played with as a child. While Legos are enjoying new popularity in movies and video games, some our our teachers have been using them in the classroom as a teaching tool for over 20 years.
Our STREAM curriculum uses Legos all the way through our K-8 Program. Kids begin with stacking them, then create patterns, learn to build structures like towers and bridges, create playful scenes to write about, learn about simple machines like levers and pulleys, create complicated machinery with gears and motors, discover renewable energy with wind mills and solar powered cars and ultimately build and program Lego robots!

We have curriculum such as Story Starter, which enable students to build a story's beginning, middle and end which they later write. This curriculum allows students to take photos of their creations and integrate these pictures into their writing. Our renewable energy curriculum allows students to not only read about hydro-electric power but also calls for the building of a working model. Using Legos and the bathroom sink, students can generate electric power (http://education.lego.com/en-us/).
STREAM also offers FIRST Lego League (http://www.firstlegoleague.org), a program which challenges students to build robots and other projects, and then compete with other schools in the North State. This "Sports of the Mind" teaches team work and problem-solving skills in addition to technology skills.
Legos are far more than toys. At STREAM, Legos are important learning tools. Ask a STREAM student, "Did you play with Legos today?" The student should respond with,"No! We learned with Legos today!"

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